Few weeks ago, I tried to learn how to use AWS Cloudformation. For those who are not familiar, Cloudformation is an AWS service that provides an easy way to create and manage AWS Services. Cloudformation uses templates in a format of JSON or YAML which can be uploaded from AWS console, or through AWS CLI.
This tutorial requires installing aws-cli. So, if you don’t have it yet, I recommend installing it since it will be easier to run a few commands than clicking around AWS console.
Let’s start with the MVE (minimum viable example) by creating an AWS S3 bucket. The goal here is to create a stack by writing the least amount of code so that we can understand each component easier.
The only requirement that a Cloudformation template has is a Resource
. This dictates to AWS which
resource to build. The template also accepts a AwsTemplateFormatVersion (which has not changed since
they made it), Description, Metadata, Parameters, Mappings, Conditions, Transform, Resources,
and Outputs. You can find a detailed explanation on what these optional values does in
# template.yaml
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" # this is not required since they only have 1 version.
Description: Optional description of your stack.
Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
Each Resource
requires two components, it should always have a key or identifier. In this example,
I am using S3 bucket. An S3 bucket’s identifier is globally namespaced, so the key yourUniqueBucketName
should be used to your own unique bucket name. The second requirement for a resource is the Type
This tells cloudformation what kind of resource you are trying to create. The list of resource types can be found
I find that when I create a stack, I create and delete it a few times so I find myself creating a bash script to save my fingers from typing too much in case I want to edit a few details.
# create-cfn.sh
# run me with `bash create-fn.sh`
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name MyFirstCFNStack \
--template-body file://${PWD}/template.yml
# delete-cfn.sh
# run me with `bash delete-cfn.sh`
aws cloudformation delete-stack \
--stack-name MyFirstCFNStack \
A few things to note here, --stack-name
and --template-body
are required. If you have your
Cloudformation template in an s3 file for example, you can pass in --template-url
instead, but
you cannot use both. When this has run, it should create an S3 bucket. It is pretty simple but the
power of Cloudfomation can be seen when creating a stack that includes more than one AWS service.
Example 1.0
To see the real power of Cloudformation, we will have to create more than one resource. Let’s now try to create a Lambda that uses a specific Role to execute it.
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09"
Description: Optional description of your stack.
Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
Runtime: nodejs4.3
Handler: index.handler
Role: !GetAtt LambdaExecutionRole.Arn
ZipFile: !Sub |
var response = require('cfn-response');
exports.handler = function(event, context) {
var responseData = {Value: event.ResourceProperties.List};
response.send(event, context, response.SUCCESS, responseData);
Type: AWS::IAM::Role
Version: '2012-10-17'
- Effect: Allow
- lambda.amazonaws.com
- sts:AssumeRole
As you can see, we have a lot more going on in this example although this is still the minimum
template required to create a Lambda Function.
A AWS::Lambda::Function
requires 4 Properties
: Runtime
, Handler
, Role
and Code
. Sadly, the documentation is not
ordered by the required properties. Pro tip: find Required: Yes
to quickly find required properties.
Since IAM Role is a required property of a Lambda, it is created separately. However, if we are creating multiple Lambda resource, we only need to create the role once unless the Lambda requires a different policy.
AWS Cloudformation is a really powerful tool. I’m only scratching the surface in here. AWS documentation tends to be a bit heavy for me but they are very detailed. It does makes sense because each AWS resource is packed with so much features.